One of my favorite episodes of Park & Rec.
Texting Problems
The “o” and the “i” on the iPhone keyboard are forever infuriating and disturbing me and my borderline insane grammatical (pseudo)perfectionism. Damn you, Apple.
An app sweeps Instagram
So, as I was casually perusing instagram I noticed a trend. These little cleverly made avatars were popping up everywhere. Naturally, I looked up this wondrous app that everyone seemed to download within seconds of its appearance. It’s called iMadeFace and for the life of me I still cannot figure out what it’s used for exactly. It’s just so amazing that it seemed to materialize out of the app store and met with this curious vigor. It makes me want to look up their social media strategy and figure out their researching tools. Anyway, being as dazzled as I am by its infectiousness, I must download it. Hopping on the bandwagon isn’t so bad when the app is free and it looks kind of fun… right?
*Photos to (inevitably) follow*