Okay. So I know America on a large-scale is finally seeing that racism and bigotry ‘have no place in this country,’ but let’s not forget these notions aren’t new. For centuries certain people have profited and thrived off racist social structures that perpetuate unequivocal inequality. An inequality that stems directly from the racism that’s inhabited this country since its settlers murdered the Indians and stole their land. White superiority isn’t new and has been around for centuries, manifesting itself in myriad ways including, but not limited to, colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, slavery, apartheid, trickle-down economics, Jim Crow, Christianity (heyyyy white jesus), gerrymandering, ambrosia, the list goes on.
This brutal history of not only the US but the world has afforded privilege that so many people deny exist. Even reading that will upset people- even reading that there’s a privilege associated with skin color makes white people feel uneasy. It’s okay to feel uneasy and uncomfortable. The only- I repeat - the ONLY way this country is going to move forward is for white people to acknowledge there is a difference in this country between white people and POC when it comes to how institutions treat people. Damn, how people treat people. Period. This is all part of a larger conversation that will not only heal this country but make it that much stronger.
I just don’t want this momentum, this passion to relieve the country of white supremacy to dissipate and we slow down these imperative discussions. It’s going to be hard and especially difficult, but we as a nation seem to be ready to deal… or at least talk about these issues head-on and that gives me hope. Although, it’s taken centuries to finally get here.
This leads me to people who are surprised by these groups’ existence and organization. Guys, these assholes have been around for-lest we not get it twisted- literally hundreds of years under various names. And for all of these politicians making statements denouncing those racists that pretty much got them to where they are today well, it’s more than a bit frustrating to continuously hear. It’s as if all of a sudden politicians need to make these statements to avoid any further scrutiny when, before Charlottesville, most of those officials were dead silent when the president was making a mockery of our democratic republic just weeks prior, embarrassing us all with- well, by just being.
All those republicans, specifically, who are coming out and saying how horrible white supremacists are and how they’re un-American is completely laughable considering those are the very things that got the head of their party, the real Donald dump, into office. Those are the core values he ran on- hate, prejudice, sexism and anti- 'political correctness’ (or as I like to call it, being fucking polite). There’s no way I can believe a republican who’s backtracking now in fake astonishment because Drumpf has not once made any utterance that would even remotely give anyone the inkling he would do or say anything appropriate during a crisis like this. Like, duh.
I’m not sure if it’s delusion or denial at this point. Those same republicans didn’t say a peep when Trump said things like Mexicans are rapists and literally asserted a judge wouldn’t be able to do his job fairly because of his heritage. No, they DEFENDED HIM. Now they’re denouncing hatred as if they weren’t in silent compliance (or active agreement) throughout the entire election. I don’t care about their announcements. They mean nothing and are solely a means of covering their ass so they can get re-elected. And you know what, they will, because there is still a portion of this country who do believe there’s an ‘attack on whiteness,’ and who do believe they are better than anyone who doesn’t look like them. They will continue to vote against their best interests if it means they’ll somehow be afforded a better shot at being a billionaire or something with a republican representative in office and that’s the truth. How? Why? The psyche of a Trump supporter is beyond me. If someone can crack the code to get them on the same planet as the rest of us, please share. These factions thrive off of their fear and intolerance and continue to build a base of evil, not just from Trump supporters, but any white person who believes equality equals depletion.
In summation, these horrendous notions are not new, and it’s up to the rest of us to quell this shit before anyone else gets hurt. UNITED WE STAND.