This tension had an inevitable breaking point. How much longer did society expect us to continue moving along with the status quo while our brothers, sisters, mothers, friends, family were being gunned down in the street with no remorse, without consequence, and SO FREQUENTLY. We are tired of reminding people our lives matter. We are tired of our pleas to stop killing us fall on uncaring ears. We are tired of having to defend our anger and explain our frustration. We are tired.
How Many Times Must We Say Their Names?
Black people have been suffering at the hands of this society for far too long. If I hear one more person say that we need to pull ourselves up as if we were ever on even playing ground. I don’t know. I’m at serious breaking point. A fucking meltdown is imminent. As I’ve said numerous times before in various posts, the fact there has never been a public apology, a serious discussion, a real examination of slavery in this country we will never properly heal.
Inescapable Introversion
I’m an introvert and this hasn’t been easy. I keep seeing all these twitter posts, think pieces, and memes about how Introverts are thriving in this time of isolation.
Zoom Zoom Zoom Make My Heart Go WTF
This is where my problem lies. I understand management wanting to see everyone during an internal meeting and get to make virtual eye contact, but demanding people turn their cameras on is incredibly uncomfortable and extremely invasive.
Slack(ing) Intelligence
Slack has become a large way companies interact internally. It’s a quick and easy way to confirm or even set up meetings, exchange information, connect with folks across time and distance. There are endless ways why Slack is vital to organization and a total stress reliever. Being able to chat with a friend in another office or someone right next to you without picking up a phone and literally expressing yourself through gifs or emojis is sometimes tantamount to an after-work rage sesh. It’s great. However, I’ve been noticing there are some things about how emojis are used in a group chat setting that have come to make me… pause. So without any prompting whatsoever, I’m going to break-down what I think are important pieces of etiquette to be mindful of when you are apart of that large Slack channel with different types of people or direct messaging your homies.