It’s happening again. We are witnessing yet another glaring discrepancy in law enforcement and mainstream media’s treatment of protestors based on race. Black people protesting peacefully for equality and justice versus white people angrily whining about not winning a fair election and BREAKING into the capitol. While this example is the most extreme yet, it is still a testament to the two realities black and white Americans operate in. We saw the same thing earlier last year when white people angrily rallied about having to wear masks, armed and stomping around on their respective city hall’s steps. Police stood lackadaisically while white people screamed in their faces. Those white protestors were called dissenters and angry folks. Then we witnessed Black Lives Matter protestors peacefully walking the streets viciously met with pepper spray, rubber bullets, and batons. These black protestors were deemed rioters and destructive instigators. It’s sickening.
Riot on the Capitol: Two Americas
Creator: Bill Clark | Credit: CQ Roll Call