Your Ordinary Citizen

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It's All Been Said Before

It’s devastating events like the abominable, senseless violence in Colorado that force people to lay a scrutinizing eye on our society and truly question what the hell is wrong with the world- when someone attacks a theater full of strangers with seemingly no remorse. When I first heard of the unbelievable act I was at a loss. I didn’t know what to think. What to say, I mean, what the hell could I say? I did however, know what not to say. Jokes about the shooting happened merely minutes after it was reported and I could not tell you the disappoint I felt in humanity. “Too soon?” Yes. Yes, it is and probably always will be “too soon” to make jokes about people getting slaughtered while innocently watching a movie. It will FOREVER be “too soon” for the parents of that poor baby who’s life ended so incredibly soon. In this day in age of fast-paced communication and fleeting regard for, well, tact, it’s still unreal to see how quickly we can move on from things like this. How quickly we fall back into our mundane routines and forget all about how easily it is to attain guns and how quickly lives can just… end. Oh, I’m guilty of it to and this is by no means meant to chastise or judge anyone. This is merely an overwrought observation. What is the appropriate way to respond in a time like this? Do you know? I sure don’t.