As new, more disturbing reports come in about why there was such a severe lack of security and disappointing confirmation of the lax treatment violent rioters got by police, it’s increasingly clear that this was in fact a larger conspiracy than I originally imagined. Multiple news sources have been doing an amazing job compiling security request documents, speaking with House & Senate leaders who were admittedly traumatized by the events, and painstakingly piecing together the days, weeks, and months leading up to the January 6th insurrection.
Riot on the Capitol: Two Americas
Creator: Bill Clark | Credit: CQ Roll Call
It’s happening again. We are witnessing yet another glaring discrepancy in law enforcement and mainstream media’s treatment of protestors based on race. Black people protesting peacefully for equality and justice versus white people angrily whining about not winning a fair election and BREAKING into the capitol. While this example is the most extreme yet, it is still a testament to the two realities black and white Americans operate in. We saw the same thing earlier last year when white people angrily rallied about having to wear masks, armed and stomping around on their respective city hall’s steps. Police stood lackadaisically while white people screamed in their faces. Those white protestors were called dissenters and angry folks. Then we witnessed Black Lives Matter protestors peacefully walking the streets viciously met with pepper spray, rubber bullets, and batons. These black protestors were deemed rioters and destructive instigators. It’s sickening.
2021: Don't F**k It Up
It’s a new year. Day 4 to be exact and as we all come down from the euphoria of being out of 2020 the reality of 2021 settles in like a blanket of dust, unseen. Usually the coming of the new year feels like a reset of time. We can forget that crummy year before and focus on the new opportunities a fresh new year brings, but this new year is unlike any other. The pandemic continues to ravage the US and the uncertainty of last year has carried itself over into this one. Unlike this time last year, we are all well aware of the virus, how to stop the spread, and have in most cases more access to testing. We also have a VACCINE.
What a GD Year: Lessons Learned
It’s nearing the end of the year and I’ve been seeing a lot of roundups of best album and tweets you may have missed, and it just feels like we’ve all made the collective decision to not make content about 2020 highlights, which I really appreciate. 2020 has been an exceedingly difficult year for the entire world, and the last thing people need is a celebration of fleeting moments that can never outweigh the depth of darkness of the year in its entirety.
I don’t need to go into detail about how awful this year has been on everyone emotionally, physically, mentally, but do know one thing. If you’re reading this, you almost made it through 2020. It is not a small feat. Everyone should be proud of themselves.
Though I hate recaps, this one is a bit more personal to me, because there were so many events that have forever changed the way I navigate and perceive this world. I learned a lot about myself and society’s capacity for change, which will only help inform my future, but it hasn’t been easy.
Don't Stop Relieving: $600 Is Not Enough
IT IS FRIGHTENING to know that the people we have elected to represent us have come together to form a bill that will dole out direct payments of a mere $600 to families in this time of crisis as if this amount is enough to cover significant expenses.