Your Ordinary Citizen

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I've Been Reading Astrology

I’m not sure what possessed me at this hour to hop online and look up what “astrologers” have predicted about my day. Maybe it was the teenager inside of me, wondering if my dreamy crush was thinking about me today or it was my completely irrational present-day self desperately searching for some inkling of what the future will bring, stubbornly concluding it is in fact hiding in the constellations. I’m not sure how I feel about the subject and I’m not sure I ever will considering my constantly questioning nature. Who could say that the study of stars in relation to people is hogwash?! Maybe it’s not. Or maybe it’s a way for humans to rationalize the unfathomable reality we live in sometimes. A way to understand the blatant impossible. It’s sad and interesting how anxiously we cling to the idea of somehow telling the future or explaining the present. Think of the Mayans and Nosferatu- wait, is that the vampire? What if it’s not a farce though? What if there are some nuggets of truth tucked away in the depths of “Finding Your Astrological Soulmate” or “Seeking Your Favorite Sun Sign Career.” I strictly believe it’s up to the individual to decide, but sometimes I get tired of hearing, “Oh, it’s because mercury is in retrograde,” because I am 98% sure no one except for the very professional/serious even know what the hell that even means.

This probably made no sense, but neither has my day.


P.S- I’m a Cancer. Yeah, I bet that explains EVERYTHING.**

**Please note unnecessary sarcasm