We all braced ourselves for that inevitable verdict, but it didn’t make it any less frustrating. I literally let out a scream when I heard the accounts being read off and the jury’s decision of “not guilty” being mumbled nonchalantly after each account. I watched in disgust as that little monster crumbled with relief that his actions would indeed not have any consequences.
He shot three people and killed two at a Black Lives Matter protest and nothing happened to him through the judicial system, setting an incredibly scary precedent for acceptable behavior during a protest (KILLING PEOPLE) that can now be cited in court from now on. He brought his gun across state lines and killed people. Beyond this being a slap in the face to justice, it must be devastating to the victims’ families that their loved ones died and a jury didn’t feel that Kyle should have been held responsible for them no longer being here. No, this is a much bigger disappointment than I imagined, because I thought surely something would stick or some kind of remorse seen that didn’t reek of manipulation. I do believe the way he reacted to the verdict was real, but I don’t believe those tears on the stand earlier in the week and I don’t believe he’s going to change his ways or “become a better person,” because why would he? Republicans celebrate him, the judicial system vindicated him, his mother supported his stupid decision to even attend the protest. I would be shocked - SHOCKED - if he didn’t become a political darling of the conservative party. Notable pedophile and man of no shame Matt Gaetz already told reporters he’d like Kyle to come work for him. Truly disgusting.
As I’ve been saying, the entire system needs to be reconsidered because of how and why it was built originally, how and why it continues to perpetuated disparity, how and why there are people who will never be protected and in fact targeted while it continues to exist how it is. I don’t have all the answers, but I do know we need them and that it’s impossible to continue at this rate.