It’s a good thing nobody reads my blog or I would be scared about posting about this- jkjk, but here we gooooooo…
Stan culture is not new, but has evolved immensely from when I was a kid. Though I was not involved with or even fully cognizant of “stanning” when I was younger, it popped up in seemingly insignificant ways when I heard people arguing about who they liked more, Britney or Christina, boy band faves N*Sync or Backstreet Boys, who was the better dancer, Janet or oh I don’t even know who they would try to compare this goddess to, etc. At this time, people would be very adamant about their favs, defending them wholeheartedly but playfully. Now, the amount of effort and emotion put into these pop culture figures is astounding. There are names for fans, there are places where they have direct access to their favs, and there is what I want to talk about today, a type of movement that’s permeated fan culture that equates to bullying.
Yes, when people say they don’t “get” Cardi B or Nicki Minaj, I immediately question their motives and wonder if they’re just trying to be contrarian, but then I come to my senses and understand, yes, people do have differing opinions and musical taste is subjective. If someone doesn’t like one or the other or both, this isn’t an invite to question their entire being, however, there have been online battles fought on behalf of each of these women because one person doesn’t like the other. At first, it was fun seeing the fans staunchly defend Nicki, she’s the OG, she’s paved the way blah blah, and others countering Cardi has her own flow and has been around for a while, too blah blah, but then it started getting ugly. Fans personally attacking each other on Instagram, @ each other on Twitter, just taking stanning to a level of involvement that’s no longer playful, but worrisome.
Their fans aren’t the only ones who strike the fear of gawd into people. Beyonce fans, Gaga fans, Taylor fans have all been known to flood comment sections with fervor. I completely understand listening to someone’s lyrics and/or connecting with someone’s story that truly resonates with people that makes them want to defend that person. I understand the impact music can have on your situation and how much that may entreat you to pick up that sword and shield when that celeb is getting criticized. I also understand that these celebrities don’t need or want their fans to be so enveloped in their fandom that they strike out and psychologically or even physically damage others on their behalf.
We are all humans, including celebrities that make mistakes and say things that we disagree with, but that does not warrant threatening another person. Most of these empty threats can be ignored, but think about how words affect people. Internet bullying is a serious epidemic and I’m sure nobody wants to be called a bully. Though, when you go into a comment section and start personally attacking people because their options of the artist you love the most differs, it’s not helping anybody. You’re not going to change their opinion and you shouldn’t want to. There are plenty of other people out their that share your same stanship. There are even fandoms that attack each other though for being too big a fan, which is baffling. There’s one account that follows Cardi B on Instagram and is attacked consistently for posting nothing but uplifting and even sometimes just banal comments about how pretty Cardi looks or joking about the content. Without fail there are numerous people who attack her for being the first comment and it is just plain insane.
If you follow Cardi on Instagram, you know who I’m talking about. And if you do, maybe you can explain where this animosity comes from. It literally baffles me how angry people get at her, calling her all sorts of things outside her name and accusing her of clout-chasing. Is it jealousy, is it true anger, what is happening??
Anyway, I digress. What’s important is these fan bases exist and can be a powerful force of positivity and I hope that’s where we’re moving toward. In this world of political chaos, we don’t need something as fun as music to cause division and despondence.
In conclusion, we should all listen to Lizzo and chill.