Your Ordinary Citizen

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I have some time while my clothes are in the dryer to scour my mind to find something even remotely interesting to write about. With this socio-political climate there are just so many things buzzing around up there it’s hard to grasp just one thing and focus, but I shall try. After all, I’m on a time constraint. I know I’m not actually, but work with me here. C’mon.

Okay, so everyone’s super stoked about Colin Kaepernick getting the Nike deal. I would also like to commemorate the fact that so many people have spelled his last name correctly who are not journalists, but just people in general who love him who hate him who are indifferent. I dunno. I just find it impressive. I digress.

Yes, it’s exciting that even after being blackballed from the NFL for protesting the degrading state of our country, Kaepernick is still a household name and will be a spokesperson for arguably the most recognized sports clothing brands out there, but what does this mean for the rest of us? This is visibility bay bay. All those whiners who wanted to plug their earholes and whistle God Bless America can’t deny what’s being tossed in their face in the form of billboards, commercials, posters, interviews, digital content, MEMES. The fact that the announcement caused such a buzz is exactly why it’s important he was chosen.

Yes, there are still those stupid-heads out there that really believe people are kneeling because they hate this country, though, to be frank, that would still be within their right, and not because they want to see change. Notice, I didn’t say they love this country, because not everyone can love a place that treated your ancestors worse than animals and now the descendants of those slaveholders get so frustrated because “it was so long ago” like a trauma like that can just be washed away in time.

Whewwww, don’t get me started.

Anyway, it’s great because Nike is a brand that’s gone through an awakening. It’s working through its sordid past of unfair labor practices, downright appalling mistreatments of its factory workers and is trying to come out on the other side. Although, it’s not like they’re shutting down these factories that boast cheap labor or exactly unionizing their workers, they are making efforts to appear more willing to move into the 21st century where millennials are starting to take heed in the products they buy and companies they support. I’m not saying Nike is one of the worst companies out their when it comes to labor, because I think that prize actually goes to more brands like H&M and Forever21, but they’re no angels either. I know, I know, why bring up their past (and present) when they’re doing a good deed by supporting Kaepernick, but call me skeptical. I’m always wondering, why? Also, my bf said something about it and my head spiraled out of control.

All I’m saying is that I can love something and think it’s a little off at the same time. It doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the magnitude of someting becasue I’m critical. I think that’s a healthy way to look at this world full of corrupotion *cough* TRUMP *cough*.

That’s my time! Holy crap. I DID IT.