Your Ordinary Citizen

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The N-Word

For me the N-word will never be apart of my vocabulary. I have taken a personal stance against the word- any variation of it- for numerous reasons, one actually includes plainly not liking the way the word feels in my mouth. It has a similar sensation to the word goop ::shudders:: so gross. 

The word is rooted in hate. I know it’s been argued that the original definition is “an ignorant person,” and has nothing to do with race but seriously, STFU. We have all been living in this world and know that word carries so much more weight than that in history. It’s painful and anchored in a time where race inequality was a norm (it still is in a lot of cases, which is deplorable) for this country and accepted. 

Honestly, I don’t mind if it’s used in literature or movies if it has a point. There is a place for it in our society because regardless of my opinion of it, it’s apart of American history and shouldn’t be ignored. Also, I am not saying I would ever condemn black people for using it, because despite my personal preference there are people in my culture that embrace and are empowered by using the casual, “friendly version” of the word. I do not, however, think it’s appropriate for anyone other than black people to use it. I used to try and rationalize why it would be ok for any other culture to use it, but I could lie to myself no longer, “But I’m so liberal,” I would say to myself. I had to level with myself, though. This is one subject in which I will not compromise my opinion.

It has been an ongoing controversy whether or not the word should be banned and I don’t see any kind of solution in the future, but you know what? Maybe that’s ok. This word is steeped in all kinds of incommensurable emotions. It means so many things to so many people and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just a reality. No one is going to agree on how, who, why this word should be used.

The blogoshpere has been all a flurry with Lisa Lampenelli’s use of the word in her tweet to Lena Dunham. Surprise surprise, yet again Lena is caught in (albeit a roundabout way) yet another racial controversy. Anyway, I hate Lisa Lampanelli. I don’t think she’s funny and find her obnoxious and annoying. The way she uses the N-word is purely for shock value and it doesn’t make me angry, it’s just purely disappointing. She’s a disappointing individual.


Go home, Lisa Lampanelli, you’re drunk.